YOUR DATA We're working to simplify privacy pages and make them as transparent and understandable as possible. This is what we do with your data and why.

WHAT? We collect and store the data that you add to the sign up form as well as data on your quiz attempts. WHY? we do this to facilitate the core functionality of the app. HOW? This data is stored in an encrypted database, and is encrypted in transit using SSL. WHO? The data is only accessible to you, the admins of the organisation you are part of and our small team of developers at The Legal Innovation Lab Wales. WHERE? We use Heroku, Cloudflare, SendGrid and Netlify to power this application.

Problems? If any any point you are not happy with this you are welcome to delete your account or contact the lab. More? If you want to find out more you can read our general privacy policy which covers a broader scope of information than is used by this application.